Wipo malaysia trademark database [Best Article]

Last updated : Sept 17, 2022
Written by : Gilberto Ponsler
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Wipo malaysia trademark database

Is Malaysia member of WIPO?

On September 27, 2019, the Government of Malaysia deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO's Director General, making Malaysia the 106th member of the Madrid System, which now covers 122 countries.

How do I check for international trademarks?

  1. USA – the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)'s Trademark Electronic Search System;
  2. EU – the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)'s eSearch Plus;
  3. UK – the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (IPO)'s Trademark Search;

Where can I check registered trademarks?

Log in to the official website of trademark registration in India: https://ipindiaonline.gov.in. Click on the trademarks tab and then click on public search. There are 3 search criteria available – Wordmark, Vienna code, and Phonetic.

What is WIPO database?

WIPO Lex is a global database that provides free of charge access to legal information on intellectual property (IP), including IP laws and regulations, WIPO-administered and IP related treaties, and leading judicial decisions on IP.

Which countries are not in WIPO?

WIPO currently has 193 member states, including 190 UN member states and the Cook Islands, Holy See and Niue; Palestine has permanent observer status. The only non-members, among the countries recognised by the UN are the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau and South Sudan.

Is Malaysia part of Paris Convention?

As a signatory to the Paris Agreement, Malaysia has committed to a reduction of greenhouse gases by 45% by 2030. [8] This consists of 35% of unconditional basis and 10% conditional basis upon the receipt of climate finance, technology transfer, and capacity building from developed countries.

What is a WIPO trademark?

A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights.

What is the Global brand database?

The Global Brand Database is your gateway to more than 52,210,000 records from some 73 national and international collections, and the first step in researching whether a mark similar or identical to yours already exists.

Can I use a trademarked name?

The short answer is that you can use a trademark belonging to another person or company if you use the mark for: informational or editorial purposes to identify specific products and services, or. if your use is part of an accurate comparative product statement.

How do you check if a logo is trademarked?

You can search all applied-for and registered trademarks free of charge by using the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)'s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). If your mark includes a design element, you will have to search it by using a design code.

How long does a trademark last?

A federal trademark lasts 10 years from the date of registration, with 10-year renewal terms. Between the fifth and sixth year after the registration date, the registrant must file an affidavit to state that the mark is still in use.

What is a dead trademark?

“A dead or abandoned status for a trademark application means that specific application is no longer under prosecution within the USPTO, and would not be used as a bar against your filing.”

Why do I need WIPO?

WIPO's two main objectives are (i) to promote the protection of intellectual property worldwide; and (ii) to ensure administrative cooperation among the intellectual property Unions established by the treaties that WIPO administers.

How do I know if a brand name is taken?

Before you apply, you should search the USPTO's trademark database (Trademark Electronic Search System, or TESS) to see if any trademark has already been registered or applied for that is: Similar to your trademark. Used on related products or for related services, and. Live.

Do I need to trademark my business name?

There's no legal requirement for you to register a trademark. Using a business name can give you 'common law' rights, even without formally registering it.

Is Singapore part of WIPO?

The WIPO Center collaborates with the Ministry of Law in the promotion of the use of ADR options for intellectual property disputes in Singapore. The Ministry of Law has designated the WIPO Center as mediation service provider in Singapore.

Is WIPO part of WTO?

1995 WIPO-WTO Cooperation Agreement The Agreement covers transparency mechanisms, technical assistance and training and the implementation of a provision of WIPO's Paris Convention on state emblems. The WIPO is an observer to the TRIPS Council, and the WTO enjoys observer status at the WIPO.

Is China part of WIPO?

In the 30 years since China joined the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the country's progress in the field of intellectual property (IP) has been remarkable. Today, China has one of the top five patent offices in the world and hosts the world's largest trademark office.

Which countries have not signed the Paris Agreement?

As of September 2022, 194 members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are parties to the agreement. Of the four UNFCCC member states which have not ratified the agreement, the only major emitter is Iran. The United States withdrew from the Agreement in 2020, but rejoined in 2021.

What countries are part of Paris Convention?

After a diplomatic conference in Paris in 1880, the Convention was signed on 20 March 1883 by 11 countries: Belgium, Brazil, France, Guatemala, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, El Salvador, Kingdom of Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. Guatemala, El Salvador and Serbia denounced and reapplied the convention via accession.

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Wipo malaysia trademark database

Comment by Rafaela Absalon

all right hey guys what's up how's everybody doing in this video I'm gonna be showing you how do you do a trademark search globally using the V poke portal alright I don't know don't ask me involved what's the full form of V PO I don't care it's a global trademark hotel but you can even apply for you know a global trade mouth across multiple countries and you can even do a research and figure out if the name that you're thinking about for your brand or for your company is that name already registered as a trademark somewhere else in some other country or even in the country that you're trying to do business in now before we begin I must tell you sometimes the information on the vivo de vie PO database is a couple of weeks behind so once you figure out if the trademark exists or doesn't exist I would still at wise you to check your local trademark registry for example if you're in the United States you must still check USPTO trademark or directory or as you as they call it the test trademark search but you can always go to V PO and figure out and discover all the registered trademarks for the name that you're looking for across the globe alright because they have a database of all trademarks ever ever made now let's get into my computer screen and I will show you exactly how do you use this and it's very simple I'm just gonna walk you through it's gonna be a super short video so stick to the end hit that thumbs up button hit that like button and also subscribe to my channel if you worn such more content coming up alright guys here I am on the V PO website it's called World Intellectual Property Organization that is the full form if somebody was skeptical that's for your general knowledge just go to V PO dot int slash portal slash en / indexed or HTML that is basically the domain that you need to go at so once you are on this page what you need to do is basically you can you can browse through the menu and figure out a lot of things yourself because you can even apply for trademarks here as you can see the Madrid service that they have over here is basically meant to apply trademarks across multiple countries and that's a very very neat way to apply for trademarks across the globe right but for now in this video we are going to look at the database so you have to go over and go so you have to go to the knowledge tab and however the knowledge tab click on global brand database as you can see over here that will bring you to this page now you just have to click on this button which says access the global brand database but just for the knowledge let's go and read this through once the global brand database is your gateway to more than records from 55 national I don't even know if that's correct English but I am from 55 national and international collections and the first step in researching whether trademark whether a mark similar or identical to yours exists now isn't that awesome search the global brand database before filing a trademark or to simply browse marks in markets that interest you right that's super interesting now let's go and check out how do we search for date trademarks all right now over here I believe it's telling you it has over 39 million trademarks registered as you can see over here it says it it has over 39 million trademarks registered or basically logged into their database which is awesome which is across the globe and over here in this table you can see that it's actually telling you which countries have how many trademarks register on their platform so this probably means okay you can just hover over these countries or keywords and figure out which country is it referring to do so for I wouldn't even be able to guess what Spidey so it's basically Indonesia trademarks Japan trademarks Japan has over 2 million trademarks and if you look at United States let's see where is u.s. u.s. u.s. yeah it's us US has over 9 million trademarks you must you would be able to I mean you would be able to predict that it should have almost all the red mass registered across the globe Republic of Korea has over 3 million that's a lot of trade mass for Korea that means that means Korea also has a lot of brands that would be my one of my deductions and if they have a lot of brands that means they have a lot of products so if you're doing proper search another inside that I would like to give you right now is that you should actually look at Korea because Korea really makes one of the finest quality products on the planet in even in terms of design or engine or in just terms of functionality alright so what do we do let's say you wanted to look at a trademark yeah mmm yeah so let's just pick a random name random number let's say let's say you wanted to look at okay let's just pick a republic of sellers and see if I want you to look at if somebody has already done anything with the Republic across the globe how do I do that so what I'll do is basically I will go and go on the brand tab over here as you can see in the search section search widget and I would type in Republic right now before we hit search let me just walk you through this matching technique there are four different types of types of matching techniques over here number one is normal basically which means that ready try and match the key word that you enter along its database so it will exactly try and match the public in its database and see whatever trademarks it has registered in its back-end and it will show you in this table down below the second option is fuzzy which means it matches matches are spelled similar to entered terms right so if it has I mean if you're looking at keywords which contain the word that you're searching for all right the third option is phonetic which means that any also try and Magus on for example a lot of people what do what they do is that let's say they wanted to register a republic and if republic was a registered trademark what they would basically do is probably drop the i in the republic and it'll still sound the way it does as a republic but it wouldn't be spelling it wouldn't spell the way a republic does right by I mean as per the dictionary so that's another way to look at trademarks because that's something that big brands also look at so for example if you have any brand which is which sounds as Nike you might have problem registering it in anywhere across the globe right so that's that's another point to note the third option is stemming with matches all forms of word so I okay now if you look at the screen it also tells you an example smile will match with smiling smiles etc so basically all forms of that word would also be try and matched with the kyboot that you enter so for the sake of demonstration we will only pick the normal kinds of match and and we would hit search now what you can do in the third option over here in goods and services that you can actually enter the class if you know the class of your products for example if you were in the beauty segment or in the general grocery segment I mean general electronic segment it would probably 425 but that 25 mark is basically as per the u.s. standards it might be d

Thanks for your comment Rafaela Absalon, have a nice day.
- Gilberto Ponsler, Staff Member

Comment by Sari

when you create a new business or product or service one of the first things that you're going to do is create a name for it but you want to make sure that you don't go to all the time and effort of creating that name only to find out later that someone else has already registered that name as a trademark so what I'm going to do today is show you a really handy website that you can use where you can check to see if that name or even logo design has already been registered by someone else so let's go over to the computer and I'll show you that site ok folks so this is the website I'd like to take a look at with you today it's the World Intellectual Property Organization website and the address is WIP all dot I n T so if you go to that website address you then will have this page we then need to click on knowledge in the menu and global brand database we want to then click on access the global brand database so I want to do today is I want to show you how to do two simple searches using this database a name search and an image or local search we're going to search for a fictitious company that I'm setting up called a red squirrel and it's going to be a design company so to search for any businesses which have the name red squirrel it's really straightforward you just go to the text area and you type in red squirrel we are also going to put into the goods and services that it is a design service and we just hit search and this is the results that we get so we can see here we've got Red Bull we've got ones just called squirrel and we've got green squirrel we've got purple squirrel we've got design squirrel lots of them here but we do not have red squirrel so it would be okay on the name with that so which is great that's exactly what we want the next thing that we can do is we can actually do an image search to see if there are any logos out there with squirrels in them say we had an idea for a squirrel logo so what you want to do is you want to clear your current search which you can see here you just click on the little checkboxes and that clears the search so we do is you go to the image class section and we typed in squirrel and you'll see on this drop-down it gives us two choices we've got just squirrels or we can have a group so squirrels chipmunks animals which are similar for us we just want to do a search on squirrels today so if you click that you'll see that it changes it into a specific number in the database then you click search and it gives us results 123 pages of 30 results each page of squirrel logos so you can actually have a browse through all of these to see what squirrel logos have been registered as trademarks that will allow you to develop your own mobile concept around a squirrel idea or image and not infringe on an existing one which is in the trademark database and that's it it's really simple to use and it will just give you a little bit more peace of mind that you can use the name that you're thinking of or if it's the other way around it stops you from wasting time and resources pushing forward with a name or a logo design that at the end of the day you're not going to be able to use because someone has already registered it as their intellectual property so they are folks that's the WIPO website it's a great way to do kind of a surface level check just to see if anyone's registered a name that you're thinking about using I would always suggest though that you hire the services of a professional IP lawyer they will do a full and thorough check for you to make doubly sure that the classification that you want to register that Niemann is free if you've liked this video and find it useful I'd really appreciate it if you could share it with your friends and colleagues on social media or by email make sure to give the video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already um when you do make sure you click on that little bail icon and you'll be notified whenever I release a new video so until I see you next time stay creative folks [Applause]

Thanks Sari your participation is very much appreciated
- Gilberto Ponsler

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