How to start a skateboard brand [Fact-Checked]

Last updated : Aug 9, 2022
Written by : Verline Rasul
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How to start a skateboard brand

Are skateboard companies profitable?

How much profit can a skate shop make? Skate shop owners report a profit ranging from $30,000 to upwards of $200,000 annually. Revenue generated is largely dependent upon the community you're a part of, the location you decide on for your storefront, and the quality of products you maintain.

How much does it cost to manufacture skateboards?

How much Does it Cost to Produce a Skateboard? The production costs of a complete skateboard depend on the quality of the material and where it's manufactured. Roughly the entire manufacturing process cost between $30 to $35. After So that's straight out of the factory but you'll end up paying between $75 to $150.

Do skateboard companies make their own decks?

Most of the popular brands come from the same manufacturer and are exactly made of the same wood and shapes. It's up to you which brand you want to support and which graphic you like the best.

Who is the target market for skateboards?

A vast majority of skateboarders are also under 18 years old. In other words, of the 73-million young people in the US, 6-million of them are skaters. That's about 8.6%… so now we can confidently say, “8.6% of American youth have ridden a skateboard in the last year.”

How big is the skateboard industry?

The global skateboard market size was estimated at USD 1.96 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 2.00 billion in 2020.

Whats a good price for a skateboard?

Typically, a good skateboard may cost around $60 to $150, as expert skateboarders claimed. If you are looking for a high-quality skateboard, this may start at $170. Meanwhile, most reviewers of the best brands of skateboards in 2021 chose the Minority Skateboard with a 32 inches deck as the best skateboard for 2021.

How much does a pro skateboarder Make?

Salary Ranges for Professional Skateboarders The salaries of Professional Skateboarders in the US range from $19,910 to $187,200 , with a median salary of $44,680 . The middle 50% of Professional Skateboarders makes $28,400, with the top 75% making $187,200.

How long do skateboards last?

How long do skateboards last? Different factors influence the lifespan of an average skateboard. The average lifespan of a skateboard is 1 to 2 years. Some skateboarders were able to use their boards for as short as five months, but others could manage to use them for a couple of years.

What wood is used for skateboards?

Skateboard decks are typically made from maple trees. These trees grow in the north-central region of North America – around the Great Lakes. Maple trees grow further south than this, but colder climates are typically considered to produce denser wood.

What is the best material for a skateboard?

The most desirable wood used to manufacture skateboard decks comes from the Great Lakes area of North America. The wood is commonly referred to as hard rock maple while it is actually called Sugar maple and its scientific name is Acer saccharum. Maple is a hardwood, which is slower growing and denser than softwoods.

How thick should a skateboard be?

The average skateboard deck is about 32 in (81.3 cm) long, 8 in (20.3 cm) wide, and is a little less than 0.5 in (1.3 cm) thick. The deck has a defined nose and tail with a concave in the middle.

Can you make your own skateboard?

Making a skateboard is, surprisingly enough, not as hard as most people think. Making the deck, or wooden board, only requires a basic knowledge of carpentry, a jigsaw, a skateboard mold, and a vacuum press, but even these can be made at home with a little patience.

Who invented the skateboard?

But soon, skater and surfer-led companies began designing specialized products and turning them into lucrative businesses. Two key personalities helped shape the first designs of what we now call skateboards - Bill Richard and Richard Lawrence "Larry" Stevenson.

How old are most pro skaters?

  • Average age of the first 9 years: 21.67.
  • Yes, pro skateboarders are getting older like am skateboarders.

How old is the average skater?

On the United States Olympic team, the average figure skater is 22.26 years old, according to its roster. The youngest is 15-year-old Polina Edmunds, and the oldest is 28-year-old Jeremy Abbott.

What age group skateboards the most?

Skateboard stats show that most skaters are younger than 18. However, there are still many people who practice skating well into adulthood and even old age. Around 13% are between 18 and 24 years old. Around 1% of skaters are aged between 45 and 54.

Is skateboarding losing popularity?

Industry studies show skateboarding involvement is down for nearly every age group, including the youth. Participation in skateboarding has declined. In the past ten years, parks are less crowded than they have ever been. Skateboarding companies are closing.

Is skateboarding cool again?

The recent popularity of skateboarding has to do with the pandemic. Skateboarding was already on the rise and spiked during the lockdown, the 2021 Olympics gave it another boost. Since then, skateboarding is back to normal and possibly in a slow decline.

Where is skateboarding most popular?

New York – don't sleep A ride around one of the best cities to skateboard in the world, New York City. As one of the world's most iconic cities, it's not surprising that NYC has been one of the most popular skate destinations for decades.

What's the best skateboard brand?

  1. Element Skateboards. Element Skateboards take their namesake from creator Johnny Schillereff's love of nature.
  2. Plan B Skateboards.
  3. Zero Skateboards.
  4. Girl Skateboards.
  5. Creature Skateboards.
  6. Santa Cruz Skateboards.
  7. Almost Skateboards.
  8. Flip Skateboards.

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How to start a skateboard brand

Comment by Ingeborg Lees

this time on rad rat video we're talking about how to start your own skate brand let's do it welcome back to rad rat video a channel about skateboarding and everything in the skateboarding world i've got some questions from you guys that were all submitted through there's a form where you can submit your own questions to be considered for a future video the first one i got is from liam who asks do you think anyone has ever boneless front flipped or if you think it's possible i know there's a scooter trick called a fast plant front flip which can be done on flat what are your thoughts on the elusive boneless front flip i think the difference by doing it on a scooter i have seen that trick before is that your your hands start up here so you can kind of push forward like if you have to do if you're going to do a boneless you got to reach down and grab the board and then jump so to reach down and then jump but like i i don't i don't think it's it's the same thing um you're compressed already you've got to jump straighten out and then tuck again it feels like it would be much much harder is it theoretically possible maybe out of a bank if you're going super fast you can grab the board kind of keep your arm straight so you're as straight up as possible then it would be kind of similar to the scooter trick and you just kind of touch your foot as you jump out it would be incredibly difficult i think the physics of it would probably work out somehow but yeah that would be very very difficult and it probably wouldn't even look that good but maybe okay next question is from scott who asks uh let's say you do a backside tail side kick flip to fakie is it okay to say back tail backside flip out i hear this from a lot of people in the community and i wonder if you think a flip trick in out of a tail no slide should count as a front side or backside flip if it's only 90. sorry if this is a confusing question you're awesome by the way i live in colorado too cool okay so not talking about skateboarding tricks but just language the primary purpose of grammar is to communicate a point okay i read a whole book on this because i'm the world's biggest nerd uh and it was talking about how like if your point is understood quickly and clearly then you've done your job whether it follows a technical rule or not so uh i was talking to one of my patrons about the fakie no slide now to me if you ask me what a fakie nose slide is it's where you're going fakie you pop the tail and then you slide on the nose but if you say fakie no slide to someone else they might think a fakey ollie into a switch no slide because you're looking over the shoulder as if it's a switch no slide if it was a back tail you'd be facing the opposite way so they don't think of that as a fakey tail slide they think of it as a fakie no slide they're wrong but that's not the point the point is how do you communicate what trick you're talking about and if you say a half cab no slide that seems very clear because that way you think of it as a half cab and then a nose slide and so fakie no slide half cap no slide kind of pointless to say a half cab when you're only doing a 90 and if you did a half cab no slide to fakie that's not even a half cab at all that's a quarter cab and then back like but people will understand what you mean if you say that and so if you say a back tail backside flip you obviously don't mean you landed fakey and if you if you did a whole 270 spin you would say that because that's hard and you would want to brag about it so back tail backside flip pretty obvious what what you mean i think it's perfectly fine okay next one is from matt who says i'm curious when skaters land a trick backwards off a rail or a ledge why it's referred to as to fakie the way i understand fakie is when you ride in your normal foot stance but backwards rolling in the direction of your tail um he's saying that for most tricks where you land to fakie it should be more accurately to switch he doesn't want to split hairs when it comes to technicalities okay so the reason why is because to fakie was a thing in pools before anyone had ever done a switch trick before you think about that old school classic board from the 80s this probably has spider webs all over it i don't want to be too disgusting for you this is my rad wrap board this was an official board um you've seen it on the channel before i'm sure you've got this big old tail you've got a tiny nose they used to have even smaller noses like this one actually has a little bit of a nose to it but if you were to land yeah you can see all the spider webs on this i hate my basement i gotta move um so if you picture doing a trick on that big tail you know and you come back in it's definitely too fakey you're never going up there in like dropping in switch and being ready with your front foot on the nose in switch it was not a thing so um that's so like the history of it people would say to fakie decades go by we still call it to fakie um and it just feels like it makes more sense because you haven't switched stances like fakie like you said is going backwards so if you did a trick normal and you land it you're still a normal you're just going backwards so backwards normal is fakie so i don't necessarily think it's more accurate but there's so much history to it that there's no other way that you would say it okay the last question is from arthur who says hey dog wondering if you have any tips on starting your own skate brand as you're like smart in financial stuff and i'm just a dumb skater much loved from south london okay being from london i can't give you very specific tips because it's a different country i don't know how all of the legal things work out in the tax situations and all that my first tip well maybe wait until you're absolutely sure you're going to do this go through the rest of the exercises before you actually do this but get an accountant uh and a business banking account so uh one of the first pieces of advice i got when i uh started where i quit my job and started to work on on my own do like freelance and all that somebody said get an accountant even like no matter how much you pay them it'll be worth it and i put that off for like five years i didn't do it and i finally did it and he was right um there's so much stuff i could have been doing things i could have claimed on taxes things i could have expensed uh you know things that i was supposed to be doing that i hadn't been all that kind of stuff so exactly what kind of business you know legal thing you want to make uh probably not a corporation yet again you're in a different country but in the u.s eventually it might be a corporation but not quite yet you know like exactly what you have to do from that kind of standpoint and what kind of records you need to keep for taxes all that kind of stuff getting a professional who knows what they're doing if you get a business banking account and a business you know a bank card that you can use to buy stuff that makes it a lot simpler it's very clean at the you know when you do your taxes at the end of the year you hav

Thanks for your comment Ingeborg Lees, have a nice day.
- Verline Rasul, Staff Member

Comment by iznurimx

YouTube what is up guys so my name is Andy schrock I own and operate revived skateboards and force wheels with my good friend Brian Eames I did this without any sort of knowledge about how to start a company and I got through a lot of weird dilemmas that arise as you're doing this and I'm using my knowledge to make a video to tell you how to start your own company because I get a lot of questions on how to do this I actually did this video one other time years ago but you know I have a little more experience and wisdom if you may since I've been doing this a little longer I'm gonna give you the lowdown hopefully a lot of you that want to start your own company or project or whatnots can take from this video and go forth with a better you know mindset and how to do it properly now keep in mind I am just telling you what I've experienced what has helped me so if you're doing something vastly different make sure you do your research and actually I'll get to that in just a second because research is the most important thing you can do when starting a company but a little bit about me and what I do I started doing YouTube videos okay I just did skateboarding skits whatever goofy thing entered my head I would make a video about it and I had a lot of fun doing it I'm still doing that to this day and it is a blast is literally a life that I could never thought imaginable and it's a dream come true it really is but from my videos I started getting requests for actual skate product eventually one day I said you know okay let's do it so I started making skateboards and I did it literally knowing nothing so it's taken off it's done been doing really well you know I get to just make whatever goofy idea comes in my head and I get to put on a product and provide good quality skate products to skateboarders all across the world it's really awesome and then we decided to do a wheel company so we do wheels too we eventually open up an online skate shop and then we sell everything in it so it's a really big project like you know he has the YouTube videos which I do personally that helps promote all of this there's a lot of details that go behind making all of this possible but I'm not going to get to the details I'm just going to tell you how to start the company and what you need to do it to initially set it up to do something like this now first off before you do anything you're of course going to have to come up with an idea if you're watching this for information you probably already have an idea but the main thing behind this is have an idea that you believe in okay don't just start a shoe shop if you don't care about shoes at all make sure you're somewhat passionate about it it keeps the drive going you know you want to be doing something good with your life you don't want to end up job that you don't actually care about doing you want to wake up and be sites for what you're doing so with that said have an idea that you care about and then move to the next step which is doing research I get so many questions all okay how do I do this it's like a random internet comment is not going to get you the information you need okay especially like when it comes to me like I'm Way too busy to reply to my comments I apologize I do my best because I work a lot to add all that stuff but my point is you might ask a person with the exact same situation as me working a lot raising a family all that stuff so do your research use Google calm okay so it's a great thing you can put anything into Google calm and there will be information coming back at you make sure it's a valid source but if you do enough research you're going to find out what you actually need to do and especially you're not gonna start a skateboard company like maybe you're gonna start anything because different operations are going to have different things required for them so do your research and know what you're getting into okay don't just don't just blindly go out and start doing something you can't just set up a shop on the corner and say like hey I sell shoelaces who's buying okay you could do that probably not to be that effective okay so keep in mind do research use Google calm or whatever search engine you're using when you shouldn't be because Google calm is the best one now if you're selling a product or a service of whatnot it's the same thing as your idea believe in it okay if you're gonna have a product have a good product don't have a crappy product like for instance Ardex we tested several different wood distributors until we got the right one same with the wheels like we only sell stuff that we truly believe in you know like have a good product it's if you could have an awesome name and image and whatnot but if someone gets in the thing falls apart right away it's not gonna be good okay so believe in what you do across the board that is the what I'm trying to say really if you're confused on how to actually make your product like no matter what it is like like I said do your research you're gonna find out like for instance if someone told me how to make a bike I have no idea how to make a bike but what I'm do is I would go on there and find people that make the frames you know make the chains there's probably somebody out there that makes the entire thing and it's a starting point Elise you know you guys you gotta figure out what you want your price point to be what you as the consumer would want to purchase a bike for and then you're gonna be like okay well if I'm gonna sell it for that much because that's how much I think it should be I need to find someone to manufacture it or manufacture it myself and have the cost at this mount so I can actually make a profit and keep this going you know I mean obviously like the for like I said like believe in what you do it shouldn't be about money like I didn't start any of this because of money I did it because I wanted to honestly be doing something with my life that I actually wanted to do and you know we like boy your hearts in the right place then you're just probably doing the right thing and money will come so don't think about it that way but like I said do your research on how to actually get these pieces and think about how it's gonna how it's going to come together to actually keep the business going you'll notice I'm getting tired of walking now I'm just sitting on random things in the warehouse now once you have your product in mind or your service and what you're going to be doing know your market okay for instance if you're selling that bike just specifically like 30 years and up okay but I don't know I don't know what kind of bike dowdy but I'm just saying like if it's just for 30 year olds enough how are you know sell it to okay for instance a lot of older generations don't get on the internet as much so maybe you should focus on retail or you know or do a combination of both you got to know how to I'm where to sell it and you're going to know how to actually advertise that now that in the social media age it's very very easy to advertise your products you can do it very cheap and effectively if you use your brain but wit

Thanks iznurimx your participation is very much appreciated
- Verline Rasul

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