how to brand measurement [Real Research]

Last updated : Sept 19, 2022
Written by : Armida Haymon
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how to brand measurement

How is brand measured?

Brand measurement programs measure aspects of a brand's product, competitors and its category and include metrics such as advocacy, affinity, appeal, association, awareness, loyalty, perception, personality, reputation, recall, preference, strength, sentiment, salience, trust, usage and more.

What are the 3 ways to measure brand awareness?

  • Surveys. Whether you conduct a survey by email, website or telephone, you can either ask existing customers how they heard of you or ask a random selection of people if they are familiar with your brand.
  • Look at website traffic.
  • Look at search volume data.
  • Use social listening.

How do you measure brand quality?

The five criteria are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand fascination, and innovative capacity. BrandTrust in its "BrandTrust Performance Monitor" differentiates between the two dimensions awareness and attractiveness.

Why is brand measurement important?

Brand measurement also tells you how your brand is performing in comparison with competitors and, ultimately, underlines your company value. It's been shown time and time again that your visibility in the market directly correlates to your share of the market.

Why it is important to measure the brands?

Establish product development priorities Measuring importance helps these companies identify and focus their energy on features and benefits that will matter most to their customers (i.e., the things people will base their brand choices on or will be willing to pay more for).

How do you measure brand perception?

  1. Conduct brand perception surveys to learn what people think of your business and how it stacks up against competitors.
  2. Track online mentions using social listening tools or Google alerts.
  3. Do a brand audit to evaluate how your brand perception compares to competitors'.

How do brands measure awareness?

Surveys. One way to measure your brand awareness is to survey and interview people. You can have questionnaires in your website, asking how visitors found you, or if they had heard of you before. You can also ask your current customers when they became aware of your brand.

What are KPIS for brand awareness?

Brand awareness tracks your brand's visibility and sentiment across social media platforms and search engines. Digital marketers may set a brand awareness KPI to track how their brand is perceived over a specified period of time.

What are the five measures of brand equity?

Every established brand should have a clear understanding of its brand equity. The Blake Project's BrandInsistence brand equity measurement system measures the five things that cause customers to insist upon specific brands: awareness, relevant differentiation, value, accessibility and emotional connection.

What is a brand metric?

Brand metrics are quantifiable variables that you measure to track your brand's performance. Without them, you would have no idea of the impact your marketing strategy is having on your business and your brand health.

How is overall brand impression measured?

  1. Track search impressions for branded keywords.
  2. Track brand name or trademarked product name search popularity.
  3. Measure direct website traffic.
  4. Observe referral traffic to your website.
  5. Measure volume of earned media.
  6. Track your social media reach.
  7. Conduct market research.

What is brand value?

Brand value is the monetary worth of your brand, if you were to sell it. If your company were to merge or be bought out by another business, and they wanted to use your name, logo, and brand identity to sell products or services, your brand value would be the amount they would pay you for that right.

How do you build brand value?

  1. Step 1 – Identity: Build Awareness.
  2. Step 2 – Meaning: Communicate What Your Brand Means and What It Stands for.
  3. Step 3 – Response: Reshape How Customers Think and Feel about Your Brand.
  4. Step 4 – Relationships: Build a Deeper Bond With Customers.

What is brand performance index?

Brand performance is the process of measuring the outcomes from branding efforts. By tracking key performance indicators such as impressions, traffic, and engagement, and comparing them against their brand performance goals, companies can determine the strengths and weaknesses of their brand.

How is brand engagement measured?

  1. The Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  2. The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  3. Churn.
  4. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  5. Customer Effort Score (CES)
  6. User Actions.
  7. Activity Time.
  8. Page Visit Frequency.

What are the 4 elements of brand equity?

Brand equity has four dimensions—brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand associations, and perceived quality, each providing value to a firm in numerous ways.

How is brand equity measured example?

In this method of brand equity measurement, brand value is calculated by first taking the price difference between the branded product and a generic product, and then multiplying the difference with the total branded sales volume.

What is the brand strategy?

Brand strategy is part of a business plan that outlines how the company will build rapport and favorability within the market. The goal of a brand strategy is to become memorable in the eyes of the consumer so that they decide to patronize your business over the competition.

What is brand value example?

For example, ask, “Why do you choose our products and services instead of our competitors?” “What do you think we do well?” Your customers' answers will give you insight into the things they value most and your brand's key strengths.

What factors determine brand value?

  • Brand loyalty.
  • Brand awareness.
  • Perceived quality.
  • Brand associations in addition to perceived quality.
  • Other proprietary brand assets such as patents, trademarks and channel relationships.

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how to brand measurement

Comment by Vonnie Laperouse

good morning i'm keith washington here from the google ads marketing team and i'm being joined today by my colleague amaya garbayo from the google media lab team welcome amaya hi keith it's great to be here amaya i'm excited to hear your insights on google's approach to brand measurement but first tell me about the media lab team who's on that team and what do you do there we in the media lab come from diverse backgrounds agencies publishers and client-side for advertisers like coca-cola kellogg bank of america and many more and we are responsible for investing google's marketing media dollars in particular i work measuring the brand effectiveness of those dollars everything from campaign measurement to advanced analytics i love that but tell me how is that different from what other marketing teams that other companies are doing in many other companies the measurement and optimization department does just that measuring but in the google media lab we use data to inform many other aspects of the media process from establishing media planning minimums to evaluating creative effectiveness sounds invaluable what are some guiding principles your team uses that marketers watching today can take away with them there are four main strategies and tools that my team uses to provide google with the best data possible to drive the desired outcomes with our dollars first pre-launch build the best plan before we spend any money second during the campaign we are tweaking the planning market to maximize outcomes then the post campaign analysis which evaluates what did we get for our money and then finally we prepare google for the future to come doing in-depth channel analysis or piloting new approaches to measure in a world without cookies so when you're in this pre-launch phase what are some of the things you take into account we look at two things one the ability of the creatives to deliver success in market second if the media weight is sufficient to communicate the message and how does your team measure and achieve creative excellence google tests in lab the vast majority of the creatives that are using our media campaigns the program evaluates the creative effectiveness is global involves various research partners and is executed with the same rigor methodology across all brands the creative testing program has a strong ability to predict the performance that we will see in market and hence all our brands use the data to optimize creative and ensure google guests the best return on investment for our advertising money our goal is to have 75 of the creative to be optimized and then use the 25 remaining for creative experimentation in the chart you can see the progress made towards that goal in the last few years across all google brands wow and how does a program help improve over time the program provides not only scores to determine the best creative to live brand metrics but also guidance and best practices for our creative teams the best practices are tailored to the kpi that we want to impact for example supersizing all logos and text is very very important for awareness but only somewhat important for purchase intent on the other hand using close-up frames of the product is important across all kpis in the funnel to deliver success i have an example of how the program has helped improve results something as simple as identifying the brand in the opening frame can increase awareness by two times let's take a look let's get one oh yeah man every time i want to get i ran out of storage yesterday i had to delete a picture of my grandma why so i could take a picture of my grandma no that's cold ice cold i just want a phone that gets me yeah knows my schedule knows my taste knows my music i'm over the hype super over it just say goodbye to this thing i'm gonna do that oh you're just gonna oh bye bone okay i see what you're doing google here is another example of the impact of the creative testing program and how it helps tailor assets to the different video channels to maximize in-market effectiveness television uses a rebuild format while online video works better with app from branding showcasing the product upfront to account for any skipping behavior once each asset of the campaign has been tested the brand manager will get an email with an assessment of the likelihood of success for that campaign the final round of decisions are made based on this data to ensure we maximize the roi of our dollars okay so we've covered creative but what about media planning that's gotta have a pretty big impact too now you are a step ahead of me google media lab has a tool called the preflight check that scores every campaign and determines if it complies with best practices and if it can be successful at delivering brand lifting market if the campaign fails like you saw in the first chart agencies and internal teams will get to work to tweet the campaign and ensure a passing check before launch lastly we periodically verify the signal quality of our programs if we have done our job well campaigns that comply with both programs should get more success in market than the ones that do not the chart that you see split campaigns using the two dimensions discussed creative quality on the vertical axis and media sufficiency on the horizontal axis campaigns that have both passing creative and sufficient media weight are effective and efficient here in the upper right hand corner while campaigns with neither in the bottom left struggle to deliver positive results and even when they do they are less efficient but perhaps more interesting is the fact that media weight is crucial for effectiveness bottom right corner but creative is more important for efficiency understanding the nuances in this chart helps brand make trade-offs between effectiveness and efficient when needed the biggest accomplishment of the creative testing and the pre-flight check programs is that they help google marketing maximize the chances of success before we spend a single penny once the campaign is live optimizations come into play again to ensure we maximize outcomes so you're able to make immediate changes in real time during the campaign how does that work as we discussed at length in the previous section the creative results heavily influenced creative selection before the campaign starts but even during the campaign those results continue to be valuable to upward and downward investment across all channels similarly an early read across various platforms will impact budget shifts towards channels delivering better outcomes for example in this campaign the early success of youtube triggers shifts in budget to capitalize on the success that sounds like a lot of moving parts how do you ensure your team is able to keep up in order to make all these optimizations in a systematic manner and as fast as possible the media lab has developed decision trees decision trees such a great term would you please explain what decision trees are for the folks who may not be familiar the decision trees contemplate every possible outcome of all metrics with rocky market and offer a blueprint of actions a

Thanks for your comment Vonnie Laperouse, have a nice day.
- Armida Haymon, Staff Member

Comment by Jennell

Thanks for this interesting article

Thanks Jennell your participation is very much appreciated
- Armida Haymon

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