Trademark fee schedule uspto [New Info]

Last updated : Sept 23, 2022
Written by : Conchita Oberlies
Current current readers : 1854
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Trademark fee schedule uspto

How much is a trademark 2021?

No matter how you file, you will pay a minimum of $250 to apply for a Federal trademark.

Is there a yearly fee for a trademark?

3. Filing Declaration of Use and Application for Renewal every 10 years (Combined §8 declaration and §9 renewal): $525 per class (if filed before the grace period).

How do you pay a trademark fee?

Currently, you may pay patent maintenance fees, most patent and trademark fees, and fees for ordering copies of documents electronically via Online payment methods available on include credit or debit card, deposit account, or electronic funds transfer (EFT).

How much does it cost to trademark a product name?

The basic cost to trademark a business name ranges from $225 to $600 per trademark class. This is the cost to submit your trademark application to the USPTO. The easiest and least expensive way to register your trademark is online, through the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).

How long is a trademark good for?

A federal trademark lasts 10 years from the date of registration, with 10-year renewal terms. Between the fifth and sixth year after the registration date, the registrant must file an affidavit to state that the mark is still in use.

How do I trademark a name for free?

You can not register a trademark for free. However, you can establish something known as a "common law trademark" for free, simply by opening for business. The benefit of relying on common law trademark rights is that it's free, and you don't need to do any specific work filling out forms, etc.

How often do I need to renew my trademark?

In other words, you can keep your trademark registered for as long as it is kept in use, but you must renew it every 10 years. Returning to our example, if your trademark registered on June 1, 2010 it must be renewed between June 1, 2019 and June 1, 2020.

Do I have to trademark my logo?

To protect your logo, you need a trademark or service mark (trademarks are generally used for products, while service marks are usually applied to services). You should not copyright or patent a logo design.

How much does it cost to copyright a name and logo?

$275 to $660 The cost to trademark a name at the federal level ranges from $225 to $400 plus legal fees or $50 to $150 for a state trademark. The average cost to trademark a logo is $225 to $600 plus any legal fees.

Can I apply for a trademark myself?

Any layman who wants to register a trademark can apply himself. But when the practical applicability is considered, appointing an attorney will ease the process to register a trademark. Certain procedures are to be followed to apply for a trademark. An application is filed.

When can I use TM on my logo?

The TM symbol is used when an application for trademark is made with the trademark registry. The TM symbol is thus used to indicate the fact that a trademark application exists with respect to the trademark and serves as a warning for infringers and counter-fitters.

How do I submit a proof of trademark?

You can file a trademark statement of use online using the Trademark Electronic Application System, or TEAS. The online form asks for the following: The date you first used the mark. The date when you first used the mark in commerce.

Can you trademark a name without a product?

How can a trademark application be filed before product is on the market? Anyone can file a trademark application before selling product. It's called an Intent-To-Use application, or simply ITU application. The USPTO has provided this helpful timeline for an ITU application.

Can you sell a product without a trademark?

You can sell products or offer services in the United States without having a registered trademark.

Do you trademark or copyright a product name?

Copyrights primarily protect the rights of people who create literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works (like history tests, and software code). Trademarks protect the use of a company's name and its product names, brand identity (like logos) and slogans.

What are the 4 types of trademarks?

  • Generic. A generic term is a common description that does not receive trademark protection.
  • Descriptive.
  • Suggestive.
  • Arbitrary or Fanciful.

What are the three types of trademarks?

What you'll learn: Arbitrary and Fanciful Trademarks. Suggestive Trademarks. Descriptive Trademarks.

Can you lose a trademark if you don't protect it?

If you don't enforce your trademark, you risk losing reputation, business, sales, customers, and more to the infringer. There's also a concept in trademark law called abandonment. Generally, if you don't use your mark for three years or more, it's considered abandoned.

What is a dead trademark?

“A dead or abandoned status for a trademark application means that specific application is no longer under prosecution within the USPTO, and would not be used as a bar against your filing.”

Can you trademark a person's name?

It is not illegal for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to register a person's name as part of a trademark, but it only grants this level of protection to names that are widely used in commerce or are unique. Trademarks are granted to protect established brand names from inferior competition.

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Trademark fee schedule uspto

Comment by Yoshie Tusler

what's up youtube we are going to talk about how much it costs to do a trademark all right so let's get into it how much does it cost the cost to apply and maintain a trademark registration depends on multiple factors for example your initial application cost depends on which application filing form option you choose and the number of classes of goods are services in your application once you apply you may need to pay additional fees depending on the filing bases after your trademark registers you will need to pay maintenance fees periodically to keep your registration alive and there is a fee schedule i'll have to tell you what that fee schedule is at a later time this is not something that's pulling up for me right now here let's see okay for goods and service initial application fee for electronic filing so you can do this um electronically for 250 dollars per class of goods slash services and option two which is the standard is three hundred and fifty dollars per uh class of goods and service all right so the cost of obtaining a trademark varies depending upon the filing basis selected which the initial application form is used there's a lot a lot of different possible additional fees for the intent to use application request an extension of time to show a use of mark if not part of the initial application that's an additional 125 dollars showing use if not part of the initial application is 100 after mark registers filing declaration of use after five years 225 dollars per class filing that declaration of use after five years combined with declaration of income stability it's 15 425 dollars per class filing declaration of use and application for renewal every ten years and this price goes up um this combined uh declaration is eight and the renewal is nine and then it becomes 525 dollars per class so notice that this price goes up up and up and more up and i believe that the fees have gone up uh as of 2021 i'm not 100 sure because it's not telling me here in regards to that um let's talk about your application falling basis your filing basis depends on whether or not you're currently using your trademark in comrades and it impacts what actions and responsibilities you have throughout the registration process for example if you're already using your trademark interstate commerce in the united states you will select the use in in-use comments filing basis if you have a bona fide intention to use your trademark in interstate commerce in the united states you will select intent to use following basis an intent to use filing basis may include additional fees at various points in the process fee for each class of goods or services in your application you pay a fee for each class of goods or services in your application the more classes of goods or services you include the higher the cost for example if you're filing uh t's standard initial application you'll pay 350 dollars per class of goods or services if you have two classes of goods and servicing you'll pay 700 that's 350 plus 350 however if you have multiple goods that belong in the same class you'll only pay 350 because you're only filing for one class it's very important that you maintain your registration after you register your trademark you must file documents to maintain your registration and we'll go deeper into death and that um and and this is this in regular intervals these document costs different amount to file based on the number of classes in your registration for example every 10 years you must file we just talked about you know the declaration of use non-use and all that and we talked about those fees but these fees can go all the way up to about a thousand over a thousand dollars so let's go back up and we're going to talk about um maintain your registration a little bit this is important i don't have anybody on youtube talking about you know the definition for maintaining a trademark or registration declaration of use a declaration of useless see there's a grace period all right so it's not really going into the detail that in which i was looking for in regards to maintaining it but um again like i said it's the declaration of use are excusable non-use declaration of use and exclusive online use and the application for renewal talks about the grace period talks about declaration of inconsistent incontestability sorry um also declaration of use and execute excusable non-use and then office actions so um that's what that means declaration of using all right so we talked about that the section eight declaration is signed statement by okay so yeah we'll go into deep deeper depth with that um a little bit later because this is a little bit longer than i wanted it to be so um we'll just go back over to um the trademark basics um i talked about trademarks in a previous video if you have not seen that video please go over and take a look at that video i went into very good you know brief detail um explaining what a trademark is um within that you can kind of see why it's important to go ahead on and trade mark your name or whatever item it is that you're trying um to get trademark um so we'll talk about the scope of protection and all of those things in another video for now i'm gonna say goodnight i'm gonna say please like this video thumbs up it i notice on youtube if there's not a like button but there is a thumbs up button so i will say thumbs up the video and subscribe if you need assistance with any of these filings that's what i do i am a legal document professional and you can find me on google you can go to my about page and you'll find my email there but i will put more information in regards to what we just discussed in the description so that you can have an idea of why i am sharing this information mainly because i just want to give free information to the community because now is a good time to take a risk and step out on faith and open up your business you can do it if you can dream it you can see it you can feel it you can do it and i want to encourage everyone at the sound of my voice to go head on and become an entrepreneur because you can do it yes you can you can have a nine to five and still be an entrepreneur you want to have multiple streams of income i think it's important to have multiple streams of income so anyway again this legal document professional and i am going to say goodnight

Thanks for your comment Yoshie Tusler, have a nice day.
- Conchita Oberlies, Staff Member

Comment by Patience

hello everyone and welcome to another trademark information network special report today's topic fees because like any good business person you want to know what's it going to cost me before we dig into the actual numbers however there are four main factors to discuss that affect how much your overall application costs how many trademarks you want to try to register how many classes of goods and services you include in your application what type of online application form you use and your filing basis each factor plays a role in your overall cost so let's go through them one by one first how many trademarks do you want to try to register remember registration is not guaranteed and you may only file one mark per application the uspto considers every variation of a trademark to be a separate trademark separate trademarks require separate applications each with their own filing fee for example let's say your mark is t marky and you're interested in protecting the name alone the name and a stylized font the name with a cartoon character design and just the cartoon character alone registering each of these four trademarks although conceptually related would require four separate applications and therefore a total of four filing fees so if your budget does not allow you to register all four you may wish to submit a single application for a version of the trademark that gives you the broadest protection over the life of your trademark such as the standard character mark version for more information on this topic be sure to watch the drawing issues news broadcast available on tm videos second how many appropriate classes of goods and services are you including in your application remember trademarks are used to indicate the source of particular goods and services and although an application may only display one mark it can cover a broad range of goods and services falling in a multitude of international classes so in your application identify the goods and services with which you are either using or have a bonafide intent to use your mark each good or service is classified in a corresponding internet which are in class 25 you must pay a filing fee that covers both classes that is the fee will be the base fee times two for more information about goods and services and international classes be sure to watch the goods and services news broadcast also available on tm videos third which online application form do you want to use as you can see the uspto offers two different electronic forms t's plus and t standard the forms have different filing requirements but if your application is successful both can result in the same thing a federal trademark registration the uspto however encourages applicants to use the teas plus filing option as it provides the least expensive and most streamlined approach for more information about the differences between the teas application forms be sure to watch the teas nuts and bolts tees plus versus t standard comparison video available on tm videos fourth what is your filing basis as you might remember trademark rights are required through use you cannot federally register your trademark until you are actually using it in commerce with the goods and services identified in your application if you are already using your mark in interstate commerce with the goods and services listed in your application your filing basis is section 1a use in commerce with this basis you probably won't have to pay any additional processing fees if you are not yet using your mark in commerce but have a bonafide intent to do so within the next three to four years your filing basis is section 1b intent to use with this basis you will have to pay additional fees and submit additional forms specifically you will have to convert your intent to use application to a use-based application by filing a statement of use and if you are not ready to file a statement of use when it is due you will have to file one or more requests for extension of time to file a statement of use to get up to five available six-month extensions the uspto requires a processing fee for each of these filings for more information about filing bases be sure to watch the tmin filing basis broadcast for more information about the statement of use be sure to watch the tmin statement of use broadcast both are available on tm videos and those are the four factors to take into account when determining how much your application might cost the number of trademarks the number of classes which online application form you use and your filing basis now that we have these factors in hand we can determine what your application filing fee might be we can also discuss the other fees you may need to pay during the application process as well as those fees you'll need to submit after your mark registers to keep your registration alive as we discussed and as you can see in the previously mentioned tees nuts and bolts comparison video the uspto provides two online filing options for the initial application each with a different filing fee per international class teas plus costs 250 dollars per class t standard cost 350 dollars per class note that in exchange for a lower filing fee t's plus applications have additional requirements beyond the t standard minimum filing requirements if you fail to meet these additional requirements you must pay an additional filing fee of 100 per international class and the uspto will transform your application into a teas standard application you might also have to submit additional documents and pay additional fees before your application is eligible to proceed to registration and those are the initial application filing fees but remember your filing basis also affects what fees are due if your basis is section 1b intent to use your statement of use will cost one hundred dollars per class and any request for extension of time to file the statement of use will cost 125 dollars per class once your mark is registered you won't have to pay any more application fees but you will need to pay other fees when filing the registration related documents required to keep your registration alive between the fifth and sixth years after registration you must file a section 8 declaration of use 225 dollars per class between the ninth and 10th years after registration you must file a combined section 8 declaration of use and section 9 application for renewal 525 dollars per class this combined filing is due every 10 years after registration for more information about these post registration maintenance documents be sure to watch the tmin post registration issues news broadcast available on tm videos to help make sense of all of these numbers let's compare some common application scenarios for example a section 1a single class teas plus application would cost 250 dollars to file and prosecute a section 1b single class test plus application would cost a minimum of 350 to file and prosecute as you would have to pay to file both the application and the statement of use the same application could cost a maximum of nine hundred an

Thanks Patience your participation is very much appreciated
- Conchita Oberlies

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