How to get partnerships with brands [No Fluff]

Last updated : Aug 22, 2022
Written by : Malcom Boutot
Current current readers : 586
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How to get partnerships with brands

How do I partner with major brands?

  1. Be unique. Make sure your business pitch is carefully thought out and offers value to your potential partner.
  2. Remain persistent.
  3. Think big.
  4. Plan for fast growth.
  5. Prepare for scrutiny.
  6. Build on existing partnerships.

What brands can I partner with?

  • GoPro & Red Bull.
  • Pottery Barn & Sherwin-Williams.
  • Casper & West Elm.
  • Bonne Belle & Dr. Pepper.
  • BMW & Louis Vuitton.
  • Uber & Spotify.
  • Apple & MasterCard.
  • Airbnb & Flipboard.

How do I get a brand partnership on Instagram?

The steps to apply the paid partnership label depend on whether you are creating a Feed post, Instagram story, Reel or Instagram Live. After you've selected a photo or video and added a caption, effects and filters, tap Next. Tap Advanced settings. Under Branded content, tap to toggle on Add paid partnership label.

How do you start collaborating with brands?

  1. Write blog posts on related topics.
  2. Promote products through pictures and affiliate links.
  3. Promote products on Instagram and Facebook stories.
  4. Make videos with relevant content.
  5. Write review and rate products/services.
  6. Run a giveaway.
  7. Send an email to your list.

How do I seek a partnership?

  1. Be Transparent.
  2. Make It Clear That You're There to Help.
  3. Enact a Vested Value Clause.
  4. Communicate Respectfully.
  5. Create a Mutually Beneficial Partnership.
  6. Make Sure You Have a Way Out.
  7. Do a Completely Transparent Pilot Program.
  8. Work Toward a Good Outcome for all Parties.

How much does it cost to partner with a brand?

For services for one or two digital marketing channels, you can expect to pay anywhere from $3000 to $12,000 per month if you operate a small-to-midsized business (SMB) or $12,000 to $30,000 if you operate a larger enterprise. A plan that uses multiple channels and tactics could cost up to $200,000 per month.

How do you ask brands for paid collaboration?

Brand Offers No Payment Here's how you can therefore phrase your request this way: “Thank you for contacting me to collaborate on this campaign. But please, may I understand your budget for this collaboration?” Knowing your worth as a blogger will embolden you to begin asking for your remuneration.

How do influencers get brand partnerships?

Pitch Directly to Brands with Unique Ideas One of the most effective ways to gain a brand collaboration for influencer accounts is to reach out directly to the brand with an idea. This often works best for micro-influencers or those just starting out in the influencer space.

How do influencers contact brands?

An influencer's inbox — whether it's email or direct messages on social media — is often where that process begins. Some influencers will start building relationships with brands by cold-DMing them on social media, like Instagram.

How much money does 1k Instagram followers make?

Average monthly income nears $3,000 Micro-influencers (between 1,000 and 10,000 followers) make an average $1,420 per month. Mega-influencers (more than one million followers) make $15,356 per month.

How do brands pay you on Instagram?

  1. Define your brand.
  2. Know your audience.
  3. Post consistently.
  4. Use hashtags and geotags.
  5. Tag brands in your posts.
  6. Include contact information in your bio.
  7. Pitch paid sponsorships.
  8. Know your worth.

Do you get paid for collaboration?

If you've got the budget, the influencers will come. Paid collaborations involve Influencers posting in exchange for the product you've sent them PLUS receiving payment. These are also commonly referred to as sponsorships.

How do you ask a brand for sponsorship?

  1. Choose companies with values more aligned to yours.
  2. Give something back to them.
  3. Have a strong, clear, engaging proposal.
  4. Don't wait until right before your event to ask for a sponsorship.
  5. If you know how much money you need, ask for it outright.

How do you pitch yourself to a brand?

  1. Craft the Perfect Subject Line.
  2. Introduce Yourself.
  3. Highlight What You Love About the Brand/Product.
  4. Create and Attach a Media Kit.
  5. Share a Verified Instagram Analytics Report.
  6. Make a Call to Action and Share Your Rates.

How can I find a startup partner?

  1. Ask Around. Ask around to see if any of your connections know of awesome technical people looking for co-founders.
  2. Find Startup Events and Conferences.
  3. Join Meetup Groups.
  4. Go to a Startup Camp.

How do I find a B2B partner?

  1. Define and explain your objectives.
  2. Consider the other side.
  3. Talk to other small business owners.
  4. Find the right balance of quality and price.
  5. Continually revisit your supply chain.
  6. Build a trust-based relationship.

How do you write a partnership proposal?

  1. An effective partnership proposal needs to: Highlight shared values.
  2. Set clear goals. What does your organisation want to achieve out of this partnership and how will the other organisation come in and assist with this?
  3. Outline benefits for potential partners.
  4. Demonstrate commitment to a long-term relationship.

What is the startup cost for a partnership?

Partnership start up costs, or start-up costs for any business, are any expenses that a business incurs to create an active business or investigate whether or not one should be created.

How much do you get paid for brand deals?

How Much Do YouTubers Get Paid For Brand Deals? BBC says that YouTube personalities charge an average of $187,500 (£143,000) for each sponsored video, a talent agency says. In general, the average video CPM rates hovering between $5 to $30 for views coming in from countries like USA, UK, Canada and Australia.

How do you DM a brand for collaboration?

  1. Contact Us Page. Visit the brand's website and find their Contact Us page.
  2. Email Button on Instagram. If you're already on Instagram and there's a brand you want to reach out to, click the Email button on their Instagram profile to get quick access to an email.
  3. LinkedIn.
  4. Ask a Fellow Creator.

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How to get partnerships with brands

Comment by Wallace Rensberger

hey everyone i'm nina with sidewalker daily and in today's video i want to talk about the different types of brand partnerships when it comes to influencer marketing now as you guys know and if you don't and you're new to our channel welcome i work with influencers on their business strategy and helping them work with brands and the reason i kind of got into this world was because i worked with brands on their influencer marketing so i was the one making the decisions coming up with the campaigns and putting them together for a variety of different clients so it seemed like a normal transition to start helping influencers be better business partners for their brand clients um so this video is really dedicated to kind of walk you guys through just like the different types of partnerships that i've seen to give you guys a good idea of how you can partner with a brand um if you are new to the channel and you're not yet a ride or die sidewalker fan make sure to hit that subscribe button so that you guys can be kept in the loop of all things social media and influencer marketing we release videos every week now i think when you think about brand partnerships obviously the first one that comes up is just like a paid sponsored post right this is very typical this is a sponsored post this is one the brand pays an influencer or a creator um on digital on social media i mostly you know we're going to say take talk we're going to see instagram we're going to see youtube all the social media platforms that creators are playing on this is when a brand pays the creator to create content that showcases the brand's key messages maybe reviews the product integrates the video the brand into the video or the piece of content maybe it's a dedicated piece of content within the sponsored posts realm there's different breakdowns right so i've seen like i said we've seen the dedicated videos for my youtube clients my brands that want to work with youtubers so the youtubers will be like okay do you want a dedicated post or video do you want integrated um how did and then those are like that's very different right like a dedicated video versus an integration in a video and the same thing for my instagramers right like what does this sponsored post look like is it super all about the brand really up close showcasing every single thing about you know the brands the products new features or whatever the brand wants to announce or is it more like you know organic let's just say or integrated into the shot um so sponsored posts this is what you think of when you think of influencer marketing and what i will be going through today we'll start seeing that there's stuff outside of sponsored posts i do want to say i do think that the sponsored posts now are changing yes it's a very popular form of brand partnerships but like now we're seeing sponsored instagram reels now we're seeing sponsored instagram lives now we're seeing sponsored you know not just in feed posts on instagram but sponsored stories and it's gonna start to trickle down into different places right so instagram is a platform that's fun in the sense that there's lots of different places right there's guides there's reels there's live there's posts or stories there's all these different avenues so an instagram influencer can promote or when they're trying to negotiate with a brand like hey these are the different ways that we can work together because it's different types of content that the influencer can create for the brand um on youtube obviously we're seeing creators have different channels right so they'll be like okay this is like my vlog channel or this is my reviews channel or this is you know there we'll see youtubers having different channels so that's kind of how they're sharing different um creating different audiences and different niche audiences under the umbrella of the creator brand and now with youtube shorts coming out we're going to probably start seeing some sponsored shorts right this is the first place sponsored posts paid post of how brands and influencers can work together now the second common brand partnership that you'll see in influencer marketing is collaboration and this is really more for trade now this is a sensitive topic for a lot of people um only because obviously collaborations and trade doesn't pay the bills right like influencers are in a space that they're creating content just like any photographer or videographer would and we wouldn't ask like people to do things for free in the normal world so why should an influencer but there is this element of depending on who the brand is what the offer is and i think it's all about just being fair when it comes down to collaborations trust me i've worked with influencers at the highest level and they're doing you know free collabs because they want the experience they want the trip you know an all-expense paid trip or they want you know a product i've seen influencers like literally have their living rooms completely done you know in exchange for a new living room set in exchange for social posts so of course it really depends if your product is like a ten dollar product and you're trying to squeeze the influencer for content that is obviously worth more than ten dollars then that's not a good fit right so that's my brand's watching but it's all about being fair like how much do you think your product is worth and then the influencer's time to create the content around it and as long as you guys can find a fair you know balance in between then i think there's something to be said there and also influencers who are just starting like they're they're taking those collabs and some people say well no you shouldn't do it you shouldn't do things for free it hurts everyone in the market and yes while there is truth to that um i think everyone also starts somewhere who knows where that free partnership may take that influence or i've seen creators start for free with a brand as almost like a free sample right like when you go to the mall and you get a free sample it's like here's a little piece for free and then they upsell the brand like the brand is like oh my god this is so great i loved working with her or him the content was so good and then they're able to get a paid partnership for you know more of a like a longer t longer term retainer a bigger piece of the pie so those are ways that i think influencers you know do things for brands as a way to collaborate and trade as a way to level up and build trust amongst each other now speaking of building trusts and longer term partnerships the third type of partnership that we'll see a lot in influencer marketing is more like an ambassador role now what the ambassador role is this is a more longer term partnership so that first example that sponsored post like hey i'll pay you you post it's like one and done right where ambassador programs are longer term maybe it's a three-month ambassador program or six month and the influencer is getting paid you know a retainer fee monthly to promote the brand organically so let's just say it is that water bottle it's like okay is the influe

Thanks for your comment Wallace Rensberger, have a nice day.
- Malcom Boutot, Staff Member

Comment by Arnulfo

what is up guys this is Anja uh pieces on yay I'm a little crooked here okay that's much better in a today's video I am going to be breaking down the brand collaboration pitched email yes we are going to break it all the way down and I'm going to be telling you every single thing that you should be including in your brand and pitch email all right so if you are ready to learn about that go ahead and take a second to grab your pen a paper maybe a little drink and let's go okay so first things first what the heck is a brand collaboration email only and why are you making a whole video on it let me tell you why it's so important to you especially if you are an influencer so a brand collaboration email is pretty much something that you send to a brand asking them if they are open to collaborating with you that is the short of it there really isn't it much more so it is your way of pitching yourself to a brand and getting on their radar okay much better okay so why is it so important especially for micro influencers um in a perfect world brands will be knocking at your door saying hey I'm gonna work with you and on top of that outfit hey you that's in a perfect world unfortunately this is not a perfect world and if you're a mark will influence even if you're a big influencer sometimes you have to go knocking on the door of opportunity right that's where your brand collaboration email comes into comes into play it's your way and up getting the attention of brands and saying hey I create this type of content I think I can be of value to you and here is why that's why it's so crucial that you have one that you have a template that you can use to start reaching out to brands about collaborations okay so now that all of that is out of the way let's get down to the nitty gritty stuff what goes into a brand collaboration email first things first before you even lift a finger to type an email you really do need to do your research and by that I mean figure out what brands you want to reach out to you take it even a step further and find out the PR social marketing contact at that brand this information actually sometimes is very readily available on either the website on Google and if you're really about that life something still in my winces okay and if you're really about that life you know you can take it even a step further and look on LinkedIn cause let me tell you if you're emailing hello at insert brand-name calm are even worse customer service at insert brand-name calm oftentimes we mothers going to go to a virtual trash can right so the closer you can get to an actual PR social media marketing person the better you'll fare in terms of securing a brand collaboration right so that is your first step do your research but I literally have an Excel spreadsheet where I put down the brand's that I want to reach out that I'm confident I'm currently in communication with and I have an email next to each contact name so that I can very easily shoot out my collaboration email first step two we're going to look at your subject your email subject believe it or not this is kind of important I tried to make my subject line too generic like oh anchor e or info or something just you know that won't really stand out try to pick something that's going to graph the brand's attention so I oftentimes pitch myself with flat lace so one of my subjects was let's create flat lay magic together and then there was like a hyphen and that's a collaboration request something like that there was something in my subject line that would grab their attention or if you're reaching out to a brand for a specific campaign that they're doing like create a subject around that something that will grab their attention and make them own it and make them stop and say let me open this email to see what this person is talking about just a boy generic bland subject lines and don't go over the top okay don't be right you know crazy stuff in your subject line just you know just not generic but also not crazy once you've made it past the subject line for your email now we're really getting down to the meats you know they mean the bones of this email so let's talk about the body the first paragraph of course should introduce yourself please don't ever just happen to like can I get some products you got to think about as if you're actually meeting somebody in person would you go up to somebody and say yo give me our product can I get that product for free no you wouldn't so try to have this type of etiquette in an email introduce yourself hi my name is so-and-so I run such-and-such blog it's about such and such like essentially you're introducing yourself to them right you're telling them who you are what you do maybe why you love the brand how you came into contact with them your history with that something introduces you to them and lets them know who you are and why they should be interested right I'm in the second paragraph I would go into wider reaching out to them this is your opportunity to really make the connection and say why you want to collaborate with them right so like I said earlier they're doing a campaign on you know saving baby whales I don't know but I gotta work on my examples be knowing if they're doing a campaign or like saving baby whales and that's what your platform is about that's a beautiful connection I should definitely be mentioned in that second paragraph hey I noticed you guys have a campaign going around about saving baby whales uh heck yeah I've actually built my platformer on that I think it'll be a great idea for us to collaborate I think it's a really diverse Nega of my audience and I'm sure they would love to support this cause a connection that honestly anybody would've ranked would not turn down right let me give a more realistic of an example let's say you are a beauty influencer that takes really creative swatches or really creative like close-up lip shots and you found a cosmetic brand that we post a lot of those images boom hey I really love your product I've noticed that you guys post a lot of you know close-up images or creative swatches I do that a lot on my platform and I thought it would be great for us to collaborate both again connection made so definitely use that second paragraph to drive home for the brand's why they should be interested in collaborating with you all right moving right along to the third paragraph a lot of people leave it there they introduce themselves they say hey I'm so-and-so we should work together because the better that no don't leave it there you don't want to leave it up to the brand to decide how they can collaborate with you know you want to put everything in that email make it very easy for them to say yeah we like you let's move forward right so in that third paragraph you want to offer up suggestions hey this is what I had in mind I can do this type of blog post I can do this type of Instagram post I have a email list it's over 200,000 so follow our subscribers whatever you call them spell it out leave nothing to the imagination the worst they can do is say oh no that's not a direction we're going but how

Thanks Arnulfo your participation is very much appreciated
- Malcom Boutot

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